Equipment must be well packed to avoid shipping damage. Shipping damage repairs will be in addition to the original repair. Special shipping boxes are available upon request. If the original packaging is not available, we encourage you to request a special box or shipping case.
Remember to insure your shipment for the replacement value.
Use a corrugated box of sufficient strength and size for the weight and size of the product and which meets the carrier's requirements
Instrument should not move inside the box after packing. Wrap the equipment in bubble wrap, and then put additional packing material around the bottom, sides, and top before sealing the box.
Loose covers or trays should be secured or packed separately to avoid movement.
Do not send power cords or other cables unless specifically instructed to do so.
Include a short description of your problem, what you have done to try to correct the problem, and a data example, if possible.
Please print the assigned RMA number on your shipping label. Failure to print the RMA number will delay processing and repair of your instrument.
EPSILON UNITS: Tape the front panel to the main body of the unit to prevent the panel from loosening and shearing off the LEDS. Call 765.463.4527 (x8359) or email for insurance replacement value.
Controlled Growth Mercury Electrode: All mercury must be removed from the reservoir before shipping. Failure to do so violates federal shipping regulations. Call 765.463.4527 (x8359) or email for insurance replacement value.