Foreword (12k)
I may be running out of things to say, but ...
A Primer on Bad Laboratory Practices (BLPs) for Bioanalytical Chemistry: How to do bioanalytical chemistry the wrong way... (23k)
Peter T. Kissinger of BASi presents his tongue-in-cheek view of how science should not be done.
There is No Room for Humor in Science! (1114k)
Candice Kissinger, Peter Kissinger and Rod Yoder, all of BAS, discuss the importance of humor in science through their review of the use of puns, cartoons and absurd product names from the regulatory archives of Bioanalytical Systems, Inc.
Electrochemistry for the Non-Electrochemist (131k)
Peter T. Kissinger and Adrian W. Bott of BASi outline nine of the most fundamental concepts of electrochemistry which must be mastered before more advanced topics can be understood.
Standardization of a LC/MS/MS Method for the Determination of Acyl Glucuronides and Their Isomers (127k)
S. Bolze, O. Lacombe and T. Hulot (of Lipha, Lyon, France), G. Durand, P. Chaimbault and N. Bromet (of Biotec Centre, Orleans, France), and F. Massiere and C. Gay-Feutry (of Biopredic, Rennes, France) outline an analytical method that will be used to set up a screening model for the reactivity of acyl glucuronides, as it can be used to determine the hydrolysis and isomerization constant rates for biosynthesized acyl glucuronides.
Bench to Bedside with Quality-Speed (49k)
Dr.W. Leigh Thompson of Profound Quality Resources suggests means to increase both the speed and quality of clinical trials using strategies already tested and available, which could substantially reduce deaths of those patients awaiting newdrugs.
In the EC Literature (23k)
Miscellany (520k)