Foreword (36k)
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The History of Automatic Blood Sampling at BAS (58k)
Peter T. Kissinger, Ph.D., of BASi explains the development of the first commercial robotic blood sampler with respect to why it was needed and the selection of key components which made it possible.
Measurements of Sodium Removal from Ringer’s Solution by Use of a Desalting Apparatus (49k)
Sarah E. Diacon and Kathleen E. Heppert of Kalamazoo College and Malonne I. Davies of BASi Kansas Research Laboratory discuss how mass spectrometry is increasingly used for the analysis of large biomolecules.
Optimization of a Hydrogel-Based Bienzyme Amperometric Sensing Device for L-Glutamate and ß-N-Oxalyl-a,ß-Diaminopropio nic Acid (ß-ODAP) Using Glutamate Oxidase and Horseradish Peroxidase (125k)
Y. Yigzaw, L. Gorton and T. Solomon of Ababa University discuss improvements in a previously reported hydrogel-based amperometric biosensors using glutamate oxidase and horseradish peroxidase.
Measurement of Nasal Residence Time by Microdialysis (72k)
Emilio Squillante III, Ph.D., R.Ph., and Erika Rios of St. John’s University discuss nasal microdialysis, using sodium fluorescein as a dialyzable marker to predict the residence time of nasally administered insulin.
Increased Sample Throughput for Ketoconazole Analysis by Automated 96-Well Sample Preparation and Multiplexed Liquid Chromatography (82k)
Helene Freiser, Kate Szczap, Carie Loop, Don Gray, Ron Shoup, and Allan Witkowski of BASi discuss methods to reduce sample preparation time and improve sample throughput.
Products, In the LC Literature, Miscellany (231k)
Products: BASi Culex ® Automated Blood Sampler; Chads for Vials™ labeling system; New brain microdialysis probes for use in rodents.
In the LC Literature: Bruce Solomon of BASi reviews papers on Carbohydrates in Honey and Antioxidants in Tea.
Technical Note: Bruce Solomon of BASi discusses Determination of Histamine in Rat Microdialysates with Automated Precolumn Derivatization.
Miscellany: Errata, Workshops, Symposia, Conferences, BASi participation in Purdue Botanicals Center for Age-Related Diseases.