Issues Vol. 19 No. 1

Foreword (6k)
Indiana is not normally a venue for scientific meetings, but the situation is improving...

Attomole Measurement of Labeled Compounds (76k)
George S. Jackson, Frank A. Rickey, Darren Hillegonds, Mary A. Rounds, and David Elmore of the Purdue University PRIME Lab describe the analytical capabilities of this ultrasensitive analytical technique and provide an overview of biomedical applications that have used AMS.

Accelerator mass spectrometry (AMS) is an ultrasensitive analytical technique for measuring rare nuclides such as 14C, 26Al, and 41Ca. The unique analytical capabilities of AMS allow long-term biological studies that can not be performed with other methods. This paper describes the analytical capabilities of this technique and provides an overview of biomedical applications that have used AMS including some of the work under way at the Purdue Rare Isotope Measurement Laboratory (PRIME Lab).

Batch Measurements Using the BAS-Zahner IM6 and IM6e Impedance Analyzers (35k)
Adrian W. Bott discusses the various functions of the IM6 and IM6e impedance analyzers that are used to set up a series of experiments, either on a single cell or on multiple cells.

Searching for Chemical Information on the WWW (32k)
Lou Coury will discuss a few Internet literature sites that are used by scientists here at BASi in their daily work of providing scientific services, contract research, new equipment and software to the scientific community.

The amount of chemical information available for free on the World Wide Web (WWW) has experienced an explosive growth over the past few years. In the early days of the web, search engines were inefficient and the material they uncovered during scientific searches often tended to be home pages of research groups presenting information that may not have been subjected to the peer review process. By contrast, it is now possible for anyone with an Internet connection and a web browser to gain free access to the titles, authors, citations and abstracts for hundreds of thousands of reviewed papers published in the primary literature. This article will discuss a few sites that are accessible without charge used by scientists here at BASi in their daily work of providing scientific services, contract research, new equipment and software to the scientific community.

Drug Metabolism & Pharmacokinetics in Drug Discovery: A Primer for Bioanalytical Chemists, Part I (57k)
In Part I of a two-part series, Chandrani Gunaratna introduces the analytical chemist to the fundamentals of drug metabolism.

In the face of advancing technology in combinatorial synthesis and high throughput screening, the drug discovery process continues to evolve. Preclinical drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics studies play a key role in lead identification and optimization. This fast-paced development process has imposed an enormous burden on the analytical chemist to design faster and more sensitive assay techniques to aid the drug discovery and development. This article, Part I of a two-part series introduces the analytical chemist to the fundamentals of drug metabolism. Part II of this series will discuss the pharmacokinetics aspects and how drug metabolism data can be used to predict pharmacokinetic parameters.

Use of a New Interface Cell for Off-Column CE-EC Determination of Catecholamine Neurotransmitters (74k)
W. Russell Everett, Curtis Bohs, and Malonne I. Davies evaluate a new prototype CE-EC interface design that uses standard BASi electrodes and a bare fracture decoupler.

Analytical methods with high sensitivity and high selectivity for the determination of neurotransmitters continue to be important in cases such as monitoring the pharmacodynamics of neuroactive compounds. The basal extracellular levels of some neurotransmitters and their metabolites are low. Since microdialysis is widely used to obtain samples of brain extracellular fluid, the sample volume available for analysis may be only a few microliters. The small injection volume requirements of capillary electrophoresis (CE) coupled with the limits of detection offered by electrochemical detection (EC) make CE-EC a powerful tool for analysis of neurotransmitters in microdialysis samples. Here we evaluate a new prototype CE-EC interface design that uses standard BASi electrodes and a bare fracture decoupler.

Products, In the EC Literature, In the MD Literature, Miscellany (76k)
Products: PM-90e Series Pumps; new rotating disk electrode, the RDE-2; latest version of the DigiSim simulation software for cyclic voltammetry; y el modelo e2 epsilon.
In the EC Literature: Adrian Bott describes recent papers on DNA sensing, cytochrome P450cam, polyoxometalates, and more.
In the MD Literature: James Gitzen of BASi discusses articles on detecting catecholamines in cell culture media, and a role of glutamate in ototoxicity.
Miscellany: EIS 2001 Symposium and Chemical Sensors Gordon Conference information.