Issues Vol. 18 No. 1

Simultaneous Determination of Caffeine from Blood, Brain and Muscle Using Microdialysis in an Awake Rat and the Effect of Caffeine on Rat Activity (202k)
Kathleen Heppert and Malonne Davies of BASi Kansas demonstrate delivery and monitoring of caffeine in an awake, freely moving rat and discuss determination of caffeine levels using microdialysis probes.

Characterization of Chemical Reactions Coupled to Electron Transfer Reactions Using Cyclic Voltammetry (143k)
Adrian W. Bott of Bioanalytical Systems, Inc. discusses the use of cyclic voltammetry for mechanistic studies of systems in which electron transfer reactions are coupled with chemical reactions and the characteristic appearance of cyclic voltammograms associated with different mechanisms.

Simultaneous Determination of Six Protease/Reverse Transcriptase Inhibitors in Human Plasma Utilizing LC/MS/MS (348k)
Ronald E. Shoup, Xiaoli Ren, Angela P. Johnson, Donald A. Gray, Simone Evarts, Lynn Gill and Brian D. Beato of BASi Analytics describe their single method for profiling six protease/reverse transcriptase inhibitors in human plasma for use in combination therapy research and in screening potential clinical trial subjects.

Serotonin’s Role in Alcohol’s Effects on the Brain (48k)
David M. Lovinger of Vanderbilt University School of Medicine describes the neurotransmitter serotonin’s actions in alcohol’s effects on the brain and alcohol abuse.