Electrophysiology and Microdialysis on Hippocampal Slice Cultures Using
the Physiocard® system (139k)
Frédéric Robert, Philippe Corrèges, Sophie Duport, and Luc Stoppini
from the Centre Médical Universitaire, Geneva, discuss the advantages
of using a Physiocard system to perform combined electrophysiology
and microdialysis on a brain tissue slice from a Wistar rat.
Spectroelectrochemistry (43k)
Jon R. Kirchhoff of the University of Toledo describes the use of a
long optical path spectroelectrochemical cell for luminescence spectroelectrochemistry.
of Lactate with Liquid Chromatography/Electrochemistry Coupled with
Lactate Oxidase IMER (31k)
Yang and coworkers have developed a liquid chromatography/electrochemistry
method using a lactate oxidase IMER for the determination of lactate.
Oxygen Electrodes (59k)
Falck of BASi describes the history of oxygen electrodes and introduces
the BASi Oxygen Electrode Kit, a demonstration kit for teaching and basic
A Comparison
of Cyclic Voltammetry and Cyclic Staircase Voltammetry (38k)
W. Bott of BASi discusses the conditions under which a staircase wave
form can be substituted for a linear wave form.