Issues Vol. 14 No. 3/4

Pulsed Electrochemical Detection of Sulfur-Containing Compounds Following Microbore Liquid Chromatography (72k)
Sulfur-containing compounds represent a biologically significant class of chemicals. George S. Owens and William R. LaCourse of the University of Maryland explore a new approach to analysis using pulsed electrochemical detection.

Probing Protein Electrostatic Interactions by Direct Electrochemistry (27k)
Qiandong Zeng, Donald M. Kurtz, and Robert A. Scott from the University of Georgia and Laura L. Popovich and Eugene T. Smith from Florida Tech consider a unique application of cyclic voltammetry.

Bienzyme Carbon Paste Electrodes for L-Glutamate Determination (84k)
S. Ghobadi, E. Csöregi, and L. Gorton from the University of Lund, Sweden and G. Marko-Varga from Astra Draco, Sweden present a possible approach to determination of an important amino acid neurotransmitter.

Mass Transport (108k)
Adrian Bott of BASi continues his educational series on electrochemical principles.

Sample Deoxygenation for Reductive LCEC (41k)
Bruce Solomon of BASi explains how to perform sample deoxygenation on the BAS-200B. We’ve conquered mobile phase deoxygenation, sample deoxygenation is a challenge

Liquid Chromatographic Determination of Serotonin in Homogenized Dog Intestine and Rat Brain Tissue Using a 2 mm i.d. PEEK Column (50k)
Tiehua Huang and Peter Kissinger of BASi determine serotonin in homogenized dog intestine and rat brain tissue using a new LC column. They also discus some aspects of serotonin stability.