Culex® Mouse and Rat Tubing Sets

Culex One-Piece Tubing Sets

Item Number Description
CX-3000S Culex Sterile Full Assembly (upper and lower) Mouse Tubing Set
CX-3001S Culex Sterile Full Assembly (upper and lower) Rat Tubing Set

*Note that CX-5030 or CX-3002 are required (in addition to the full tubing set) to perform blood sampling. 

Culex Two-Piece Tubing Sets


Item Number Description
CX-3100S Culex Sterile Lower Assembly Mouse Tubing Set
CX-3101S Culex Sterile Lower Assembly Rat Tubing Set
CX-3102S Culex Sterile Upper Assembly Mouse/Rat Tubing Set

*Note that CX-5030 or CX-3002 are required (in addition to the full tubing set) to perform blood sampling. 

Other accessories

 Item number   


 CX-5030  Fraction Collector Needle - Blood Waste Clean Cotainment Kit: includes containment vial, needle and tubing
 CX-5020  Blood Waste Clean Containment - vial only
 MF-7016  Blood Waste Clean Containment - needle only
 CX-3002  Fraction Collector Needle - Blood Waste Standard Drain Kit; includes bottomless vial and needle
 CX-1220  Blood Waste Standard Drain - bottomless vial only
 MW-2309S  Blood Waste Standard Drain - needle only
 CX-5029S  Culex Sterile Tubing Set Adaptors for 22G Catheter

*Note that CX-5030 or CX-3002 are required (in addition to the full tubing set) to perform blood sampling.