Spectroelectrochemical Cell
Spectroelectrochemistry couples the ability of an electrochemical experiment to change the oxidation state of a solution species with the structural and quantitative capabilities of spectroscopy. This cell is the combination of a thin-layer electrochemical vessel and a quartz cuvette (two path lengths are available, 1 mm and 0.5 mm) designed to be used in a standard UV-VIS spectrometer.
- Monitor in real time the chromic changes associated with a reduction/oxidation reaction including reactant, intermediate(s) and/or final product(s) by spectroscopic means.
- Platinum and Gold mini-grid electrodes are available.
- Uses standard BASi® reference electrode (purchased separately)
- Kit includes:
- Thin-layer quartz cuvette
- Platinum or gold minigrid working electrode
- Platinum wire auxiliary electrode
- Teflon cap
- Chemically inert plastic purge tube
- Additional electrodes not included:
- MF-2052- RE-5B Ag/AgCl Reference Electrode (1 each)
- MW-2030 - RE-6 Ag/AgCl Reference Electrode (3/pkg)
- MF-2062 – Ag/Ag+ Non-Aqueous Reference Electrode