FAQ: EC Cells

Do I need a C-3 Cell Stand or a VC-2 Voltammetry Cell?

A basic electrochemical cell requires:

a) a vial for the analyte solution
b) a cell top for the 3 electrodes

The components are contained in the VC-2 Voltammetry Cell (MF-1052). There is an additional hole in the cell top for the Teflon purging tube (for purging with inert gas to remove oxygen); an auxiliary electrode is also provided (MW-4130). The C-3 Cell Stand is more sophisticated, with purging and stirring capabilities that can be controlled either from front panel controls or remotely from BASi® PC-controlled potentiostats. A Faraday cage is also included for protection against electrical interference when measuring nanoamp currents or lower. The BASi® Low Current Module and AC Impedance Module plug into the C-3 Cell Stand, which should be purchased if one of these modules is to be used. The C-3 Cell Stand package also include an accessories package (MW-2980), which contains electrodes (working, reference, and auxiliary) and cells.

What are the differences between the C-3 Cell Stand and the C-2 Cell Stand?

The C3 Cell Stand is an updated version of the C2, with an improved stirrer motor and different electrode and cell geometry. Replacement parts are still available for the C2 Cell Stand.

Can the cell tops and cell vials for the C-3 and C-2 Cell Stands be used on their own?

Strictly speaking, no. The cell tops do not have a snug fit for the cell vials, and should be held in the cell top holder included in the Cell Stand. Similarly, the Low Volume Cell for the C-2 Cell Stand (MW-2040) should be used as part of the C-2 Cell Stand.

What is the minimum volume required for BASi® voltammetry cell?

We typically recommend 8 - 10 ml of solution for the old style (cylindrical) BASi® cells (MF-1083 for the VC-2 Voltammetry Cell (MF-1052) and MR-1207/MF-1082 for the C-2 Cell Stand). However, the redesigned (conical) cell that is used for the C-3 Cell Stand and the Controlled Growth Mercury Electrode (CGME) has a minimum volume of about 2 mL. A low-volume sample cell (MF-2041) is available as an option for the C-3 Cell Stand. For smaller volumes (down to 200 mL), the MicroVolume Voltammetry Cell (MF-1065) or the Low Volume Cell for the C-2 (MW-2040) should be used (note that the latter can only be used in a C-2 Cell Stand).

Does BASi® offer any water-jacketed cells for constant temperature experiments?

Yes. Water-jacketed versions are available for all our standard cells.