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KISSA-1D© (current version 1.2.2b) is designed for simulating one‐dimensional problems at planar, (hemi)spherical, or (hemi)cylindrical electrodes. The program allows simulating electrochemical reaction mechanisms involving any combinations of reactions of the following types:
• heterogeneous electron transfers
• homogeneous chemical reactions (1st, 2nd or higher order)
• adsorption‐desorption kinetics (Langmuir isotherm)
• electron transfers between adsorbed species
• reactions between adsorbed species
• reactions between adsorbed and bulk species
• reactions leading to electrochemiluminescence (ECL)
KISSA-1D© uses a USB dongle for Software protection. Licensee may install the Software on one or more computer(s) in the Licensee’s organization and designate one or more persons in the Licensee’s organization (“Named Users”) the right to use the Software. The Software will function only on the computer to which the USB protection dongle is attached.
A signed licensing agreement must be received before purchase is completed.
License Agreement
Academic and Multi-license discount available.
Please contact BASi for details.
Category: Electroanalytical Chemistry
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